Laughing Matters
Welcome to Peppercomm's Laughing Matters! A podcast that explores how great minds from the world of business, journalism and beyond are using the incredible power of humor to boost morale, engagement and productivity. Hosted by CEO Steve Cody and Senior Vice President Paul Merchan.
39 episodes
Episode 39: Switch the Suit for a New Zealand Sweater: Mikayla Hopkins, Tracksuit
Can a leader who embraces self-deprecating humor also help grow a company from four employees to 120? Mikayla Hopkins is laughing while she leads marketing at Tracksuit (the word also happens to be what New Zealanders call sweaters). She joins ...
Episode 39

Episode 38: How many cows would your colleagues trade for you?: Sally Susman, Pfizer
You’re a leader at a global pharmaceutical company and a once-in-a-lifetime worldwide pandemic hits. How do you manage that with bold leadership and resilience - all while maintaining a sense of humor? Sally Susman, Chief Corporate Affairs Offi...
Episode 38
Episode 37: Life is a highway riding in the back of a self-driving truck: Andrew Culhane, Torc Robotics
When we think of autonomous vehicles, many of us may envision the Terminator, Transformers or some other sci-fi flick. But they’re a reality on our roads today, and having a job in this field can require a unique perspective on humor. Andrew Cu...
Episode 37
Episode 36: Things to say (and not to say) in a job interview: Jamie McLaughlin, Monday Talent
Thinking of cracking a joke next time you’re in a job interview? Jamie McLaughlin, CEO of recruitment firm Monday Talent, tells Laughing Matters that while this could be a good approach, you should take a step back and make sure you read the ro...
Episode 35: Put off adulting and don’t worry about your SATs: Sage advice from Pat Fitzgibbons, M&T Bank/Wilmington Trust
Join us on this episode of Laughing Matters as we chat with Pat Fitzgibbons, Senior Public Relations Manager at M&T Bank/Wilmington Trust, whose career journey is filled with humor, from newsroom antics to his family’s political legacy in N...
Episode 35
Episode 34: Let that 18-wheeler merge! How Jenni Ruiz finds humor in trucking
Life is a highway for most of us, but especially for Jenni Ruiz, the Bronx native who works as a senior marketing manager for trucking software company Transfix. Jenni is our latest Laughing Matters podcast gu...
Episode 34
Episode 33: How To Be a Baddie in PR- A Discussion with IBM’s Brandi Boatner
On today’s episode of Laughing Matters, Brandi Boatner, Manager of digital and advocacy communications at IBM, joins us to talk about how she uses humor as a dynamic public speaker and advocate for her profession. Her insights include:
Episode 33
Episode 32: Bringing Latino Humor to PR and to the President of the U.S: Gloria Rodriguez, Founder of Comunicad
In this episode of Laughing Matters, Paul Merchan and Steve Cody interview Gloria Rodriguez, the founder and president of Comunicad, a Ruder Finn company, and a pioneer in multicultural communications and advocacy for the Latino community. She ...
Episode 32
Episode 31: Having a Workplace Conflict? Bake a Cake! Tips from David Dye
Tune in to the latest episode of Laughing Matters, featuring David Dye, President of Let’s Grow Leaders and co-author of “Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Workplace Conflict.” David shares tips on what to do when faced with a workplace conf...
Episode 30: Did you hear the one about the neuroscience professor who walked into the wrong bathroom?
Dr. Phillip Gable, Director of the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Graduate Program and Professor at the University of Delaware, recently joined the Laughing Matters podcast to dissect the intricate world of human emotions and humor with the...
Episode 29: Kenough is Enough: Leading with Emotional Intelligence and Laughable Self-Awareness with Ken Jacobs
On today’s episode of Laughing Matters, we welcome our first returning guest, Ken Jacobs, Principal of Jacobs Consulting and Executive Coaching. Ken emphasizes that leadership is about being someone people choose to follow, not just holding a s...
Episode 28: Forget “Human Resources,” HR need to be the “Heart Rate” of an Organization: Kendra Prospero
HR & management consultant expert, entrepreneur and keynote speaker Kendra Prospero joins the Laughing Matters Podcast to talk about what business leaders need to do to create the conditions for people to thrive. She discusses the “peopl...
Episode 27: What to do when you’re humor-blocked at work: Kathy Klotz-Guest
Author, podcast host, keynote speaker and comedian Kathy Klotz-Guest shares how she helps companies infuse humor into their everyday practices through the tenets of improv and comedy through her company, “Keeping it Human.” Kathy shares her app...
Episode 27
Episode 26: Welcome to Spublic Peaking (or something like that); Dr. Don Waisanen Baruch College
Do you think today’s politicians are too scripted? Or maybe they’re a little too comfortable “winging it.” Or maybe they need to go old school and take a page out of President Lincoln’s joke book. Dr. Don Waisanen from Baruch College joins Laug...
Episode 26
Episode 25: From Harlem to Philly to DC: All rise for the Honorable Judge Nelson Diaz
A funny thing happened on the way to the courthouse for Judge Nelson Diaz. In fact, lots of funny things happened on his journey from the inner city to the inner sanctum of Washington, D.C. power politics. From his childhood days playing baseba...
Episode 25
Episode 24 - Using humor in DEI training? No kidding! Dr. Malcolm Frierson, Loyola Marymount University
Have you ever thought about how humor can play a role in our work in diversity, equity, and inclusion? Award-winning author and college professor Dr. Malcolm Frierson shares how his research on African American history led him to explore stand-...
Episode 23: An economist, his wife and 4 kids walk into a bank: Luke Tilley, Wilmington Trust
You might groan when you hear you’re about to listen to an economics presentation, but Chief Economist Luke Tilley of Wilmington Trust explains how working at the Philadelphia Fed and a premier financial institution has shown him that his peers...
Episode 22: How to keep your cool when you’re shooting bricks in the Metaverse: Stacey Jones, Accenture
Being a leader at a global consulting firm for over two decades taught Stacey Jones many things, not the least of which is that she was a MUCH better basketball player in real life than in the Metaverse. Stacey joins Laughing Matters to talk ho...
Episode 21: Using humor in a sensitive setting? Punch up, not down: Dr. Luvell Anderson, Syracuse University
Some people may think hot-button topics like race and humor have no business together. But when done right – minus the cringe – it can be a powerful tool. Dr. Luvell Anderson, associate professor of philosophy at Syracuse University, joins the ...
Episode 20 - The longest journeys (and biggest laughs) both begin with a single step: Sam Sanders of Marriott Vacations Worldwide
Think you've got a full plate? Just listen to some of the mega personal and professional changes former Peppercommer "Smiling" Sam Sanders (née Bruno) of Marriott Vacations Worldwide has experienced in the past few years. She joins the podcast ...
Episode 19 - How to use humor to become an award-winning global CMO superstar
Episode 19 – How to use humor to become an award-winning global CMO superstar. Sometimes you have to use humor to tell the same stories in a completely different way from what your competitors are doing. Laughing Matters recentl...
Episode 19
Episode 18 - Tinkling, Toilets and Thought Leadership
Tina McCorkindale, the first female president & CEO in the Institute for Public Relations’ storied 65-year history, shares LOL stories that include: Hiking in the Cascade Mountains (and figuring out how one manage...
Episode 18
Episode 17 - You Know You’ve Made it When You Can Call a Rapper by Their Middle Name
Tone Viera, producer at SiriusXM, stand-up comedian, and content creator joins us on the Laughing Matters podcast to talk how comedy fuses with hip hop. He breaks down how he fell in love with comedy and his experience working with some of the ...
Episode 17
Episode 16 - How humor and laughter can turn your organization into a World Series contender
Wayne McDonnell (aka Doctor Baseball), a sports consultant, college baseball broadcaster, and part of the faculty at UNC-Chapel Hill, joins us on Laughing Matters and takes a headfirst slide into the reasons why laughter separates the great pla...
Episode 16
Episode 15 – Don’t worry, be happy… two years later
A recent Oracle survey found that nearly half of participants haven’t felt happiness for more than two years! People want to smile and laugh, but the survey also found 95% of business leaders fear using humor with customers. Ruder Finn CEO Kath...