Laughing Matters
Welcome to Peppercomm's Laughing Matters! A podcast that explores how great minds from the world of business, journalism and beyond are using the incredible power of humor to boost morale, engagement and productivity. Hosted by CEO Steve Cody and Senior Vice President Paul Merchan.
Podcasting since 2021 • 37 episodes
Laughing Matters
Latest Episodes
Episode 37: Life is a highway riding in the back of a self-driving truck: Andrew Culhane, Torc Robotics
When we think of autonomous vehicles, many of us may envision the Terminator, Transformers or some other sci-fi flick. But they’re a reality on our roads today, and having a job in this field can require a unique perspective on humor. Andrew Cu...
Episode 37
Episode 36: Things to say (and not to say) in a job interview: Jamie McLaughlin, Monday Talent
Thinking of cracking a joke next time you’re in a job interview? Jamie McLaughlin, CEO of recruitment firm Monday Talent, tells Laughing Matters that while this could be a good approach, you should take a step back and make sure you read the ro...
Episode 35: Put off adulting and don’t worry about your SATs: Sage advice from Pat Fitzgibbons, M&T Bank/Wilmington Trust
Join us on this episode of Laughing Matters as we chat with Pat Fitzgibbons, Senior Public Relations Manager at M&T Bank/Wilmington Trust, whose career journey is filled with humor, from newsroom antics to his family’s political legacy in N...
Episode 35
Episode 34: Let that 18-wheeler merge! How Jenni Ruiz finds humor in trucking
Life is a highway for most of us, but especially for Jenni Ruiz, the Bronx native who works as a senior marketing manager for trucking software company Transfix. Jenni is our latest Laughing Matters podcast gu...
Episode 34
Episode 33: How To Be a Baddie in PR- A Discussion with IBM’s Brandi Boatner
On today’s episode of Laughing Matters, Brandi Boatner, Manager of digital and advocacy communications at IBM, joins us to talk about how she uses humor as a dynamic public speaker and advocate for her profession. Her insights include:
Episode 33